David lynch wild at heart who is the tin man
David lynch wild at heart who is the tin man

david lynch wild at heart who is the tin man

It looks like Mom passed on her wholesome values. If you want a clue on why Dern would play such a sleazy role, check out her real-life mom in this film, Diane Ladd, who plays her mother in the movie. Laura Dern is also convincing as a trailer-trash-type. Nicholas Cage is particularly fun to watch and provides most of the laughs. I do, to some degree.enough to keep viewing this. You really have to have a dark sense of humor to appreciate much of it. This wild and entertaining film sometimes makes me shake my head in disgust that I own it, and at other times makes me just laugh out loud at the absurdity of it. In fact, "outrageous" might be the best word to describe this film, characters and all. He is so outrageously disgusting and perverted you just have to laugh out loud at him. In all my years of movie watching, I think "Bobby Peru" still has to rank in the top five of the creepiest characters. Make that ultra-weird.and the strangest of them all is "Bobby Peru," played by Willem Dafoe. The most interesting feature of this strange movie, I think, was the weird characters, one after the other.

david lynch wild at heart who is the tin man

Outrageous! This is another sick-but-fascinating David Lynch film, maybe his sickest, although I've never seen Eraserhead.

David lynch wild at heart who is the tin man