Aircraft carrier world of warships wiki
Aircraft carrier world of warships wiki

Combined with the large health pool of its planes (which is actually larger than many of the ships it will face), it is very easy for players to feel this ship is overpowered when being dropped on. On the one hand, it hits very hard under ideal circumstances. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.įor a graphic summary of ships Tiers VIII thru XI see LittleWhiteMouse's "Actual AA DPS".

aircraft carrier world of warships wiki

However, the first major leak at Wikileaks was a textbook example of the viral, or word-of-mouth, marketing that sets the Web buzzing: the site itself was the target.Warning. “Wikileaks will be the outlet for every government official, every bureaucrat, every corporate worker, who becomes privy to embarrassing information which the institution wants to hide but the public needs to know.” “What conscience cannot contain, and institutional secrecy unjustly conceals, Wikileaks can broadcast to the world,” reads the answer to one of its Frequently Asked Questions. It is meant to be an adaptation of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, to encourage whistle-blowers to come forward.ĭepending entirely on voluntary contributions for its content, will officially go live in a few months: instead of the public submitting entries, it is asking officials to publish state documents. Government insiders around the world will be invited to use the site as cover to leak evidence of corruption and injustice.

aircraft carrier world of warships wiki

, a web site set up to encourage anonymous leaks of controversial government secrets, has been exposed before its launch. A woman types at a keyboard in a file photo.

Aircraft carrier world of warships wiki